Online Marketing

Is ‘Thank You’ Page Really Required For a Website?

A website is a platform which provides consumers to peep into the business and its product range. The intention of businesses is to drive traffic to their website, for which there are multiple tools like Google AdWords, Facebook Ads etc. Apart from these, one can grab opportunities to promote their businesses through many other ways.
A ‘Thank You’ page can be one of those places where one can convert this possibility. This page usually appears after the consumers are done with browsing or shopping on your website.
It has been found that, most of the businesses underutilize this page and focus only on the home page and product pages. They lose the prospects where they can grab the major opportunity to increase the revenue or get user specific data. We have enlisted various ways and benefits one can get advantage from a ‘Thank you’ page:

Gather Customer Feedback

The opportunity to convert your Thank You page into an automated research/feedback tool. It is the easiest platform to gain an in depth insight into your audience for the betterment of your website content.
Create a survey: Put a survey form on your ‘Thank you’ page and ask relevant questions which you want to know about your users. Free tools like Google Forms are available online to ease down the process.
Tell us more about yourself: You can put a leave comments or tell more about yourself section on your thank you page where the consumer can freely express what they feel about your products or what more do they expect from your brand.
Ask for feedback: Taking feedback related to the product or services sold is also a great opportunity to be grabbed from a ‘thank you’ page.

Sales Opportunity

A thank you page can accommodate links to various things like feedback forms as mentioned in previous point, similarly it can also be linked to your best seller products, testimonials, an ad video or exclusive features on website. The patrons who have visited your website would love to explore more through these recommendations.
Links to products: You can put links of recommended products or featured products in your thank you page, which will attract customers to explore more and shop from your website.
Display Testimonials: Showing your testimonials from satisfied customers boosts the morale of new consumers and creates a goodwill regarding your brand. Good reviews and testimonials form a great influence in pulling sales from your website.
Show Offers and Discounts: Discounts and next purchase offers often attract customers towards purchasing more products from your business. A ‘thank you’ page is a great platform to put these alluring offers.

Awareness about your brand

Building brand awareness is necessary for enjoying a long term patronage. The goal should be to engage them on a regular basis so they always remember you.
Social Media links: It seems unnecessary since you already have social media links in sidebar or footer. But those links tend to get lost among the other things on your site, whereas the links on ‘thank you’ page mostly never gets unnoticed.
Build strong community: Establishing a strong community around your brand is essential for building a fan base, which leads to more sales for your business. A ‘Thank You’ page is the perfect place to encourage visitors to participate in your other community-oriented features like podcasts, forums, etc.

The above mentioned points clearly state that a ‘Thank you’ page comes with a lot of plus points for a website. By utilising the page for interacting with your customers, the ROI of your ‘Thank You’ page will increase irrespective of any business. Global InfoCloud is a leading digital marketing company providing website development services to various businesses. Contact us for creating a seamless website for your brand and multiply your opportunities over the web.