Independent Testing

The digital wave introduced brand new fields of the market such as Social Platforms, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC) and this drove the emphasis of research approaches primarily to meet the demand of the end-user. Organizations are now dreaming about providing an all-encompassing approach to research that is dynamic and scalable enough to satisfy the criteria and drive their development. We take great pride in our reputation for using our groundbreaking end-to-end Agile Testing methodology to develop one of the best Independent Testing Business units. It is in accordance with the industry’s Quality Engineering techniques in which we assist organizations to build a comprehensive end-to-end Quality Assurance Engineering (QAE) framework consisting of advanced methods, expert advisers, and time-tested methodologies.

Organizations are expected to consistently produce and deliver high-quality budget-level tech products. But they should not employ multiple testers in advance or when possible as the former will impact the organization’s total income in case they are not put to use and the latter will hinder the delivery of the product. They still deal with the constant shift in consumer needs and need to keep up with industry demands product goals change, testing criteria change as well. Owing to time and cost restrictions, companies will not be able to cater to these improvements. As a consequence, product consistency is either compromised or postponed, which is damaging to an organization’s reputation.

Why is Independent testing important?

The testing process is of vital significance to any project and a sub-standard testing approach will quickly pave the way for breakdowns of equipment, higher running costs, and shorten the time to market of the products alarmingly. Therefore a transparent, systematic, and uncompromising testing strategy such as test consultancy is imperative for organizations. We provide consulting services with rigorous evaluation frameworks and validated methodologies to help organizations build a robust strategic, reliable, and cost-effective strategy for testing in line with regulatory requirements.

Benefits of independence testing:

  • More, other and different faults can be repeatedly identified by an individual tester than a tester functioning within a development unit or a tester who is a programmer by profession.
  • Although business managers, marketing personnel, designers, and programmers add their own assumptions to the specification and execution of the item under test, an impartial tester brings to testing and reviews a particular set of assumptions, also helping to reveal the secret flaws and problems
  • An independent tester who reports to senior management should accurately report his observations without any regard for reprisals that could arise from pointing out issues in the work of coworkers or, worse still, the boss.
  • There is also a different budget for an individual test team, which helps ensure that the appropriate level of money is spent on test preparation, testing tools, test equipment, etc.
  • Furthermore, testers with an individual research team may find it better in some companies to have a career path that leads to more senior testing positions.

Assured with consistency, performance, and reliability. Organizations require rigorous research methodologies and a reputable testing partner to meet the increasing demands of the industry and ensure the flawless customer experience.