Business Automation In Real Estate Industry

Business Automation In Real Estate Industry

Real Estate business is a vigorous one in nature, there is always so much happening around the field. The industry demands to handle various processes simultaneously like tackling multiple projects, keeping tracks of different locations, keeping the inventories up to date, selling the property, seeking the tenants, making the investors get onboard for the new developers in the puddle of many others. The real estate business falls under the complex category involving scores of processes that are usually connected to each other. The implementation of automation and use of technology makes the communication smooth and eases the management of the business. We are peeking into the details to the industry to give you a look at how the real estate firms are using the business process automation to boost their organization to the greater altitude.

Sources said that about 92% of the home buyers use the internet to search the property. There are approximately 82% of the people who believe that the online agents are the good source of information. Nearly 42% of the home buyers use the internet as their 1st search medium. These facts somehow signal towards the world getting extremely tech-savvy. Implementation of ERP and CRM has also played a key role in the real estate business.

1. Management of Property

Technology has influenced the mindset of people to such an extent that people now search the properties in the different ways. This impact has led to the ever-increasing use of technology. The process of finding the properties often begins with a search query to seek the well-suited listings on the internet. Today, every real estate business manages the property listings online. This is all done by using an integrated web application to list out the office space, commercial and residential spaces, warehouses, agriculture and also the properties that are available for sales and rentals. An individual can use google maps for every property listings and their locations, images, property age, plans for floors, relevant amenities, and required documents. The potential customers can search properties and enquire online.

2.Automated workflows of the business processes

We can manage the real estate services by using an integrated web interface. Stalking the property constructions, improvement of the existing process, details of the properties, agreement renewals, tasks, emails, documents and every other activity is centralized. Real estate companies can efficiently manage the staff workloads with the automated workflows. Various activities can be aligned by sending the regular reminder and notifications to the staff as well as the management. One can configure these properties according to the business requirements. Managers and executives can receive the automated reports and aggregated data by the system.

3.  Leads and marketing for the properties

One of the most important things to take care of, for the real estate companies is to manage their marketing activities and sales efficiently. It is a crucial task to improve the sales by generating high-quality leads. Campaigns can be easily managed through an integrated web application. A dynamic website can be used to upload property listings along with the image maps, google map integration for the location and rest of the documents. All this leads to inquiries and qualified leads from the web. The campaigns like social media marketing, exhibitions and expose could also be operated from the integrated software. We can aggregate and analyze the ROI from different campaigns of property, their results, and its impacts on the business.

4. Projects, inventories, and assets

The process of managing various projects and inventories at the different location can prove very taxing for the administrators. The integrated online software can help you manage these different locations in an efficient way. One can access the given inventory from any place at any time. Aspects of project milestones, highlighted events, expenses, budgets, inventory, and manpower can be accessed remotely. We can proactively do the cost and quality control.

5. Accounting and financial analysis

These days real estate companies desperately need a centralized and online accounting system. This could be done by implimenting an ERP. The driven procurement can be used to maximize the cash flow for the business. Also, all the billing material, machinery, and manpower costs can be tracked.

Business automation is promoting the real estate companies to the newer heights. Technology is proving its capabilities by redefining the way people are transacting and managing the things. Automation can simplify the core business activities of the real estate industry such as selling the property, searching the potential leads, managing portfolio and asset management. The expectations of the people to improve the service delivery, communications, and discovering the new ways for growth is making the real estate industry to adopt the technology.

If you have any queries and wish to know more please feel free to give a call at Global Infocloud and our team will assist you thoroughly.