Digital Marketing Blueprint for Your Startup in 2019
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Blueprint for Your Startup in 2019

If you are an entrepreneur or a business owner and are running your business online or offline, the first question to ask yourself is ‘Does your business have a digital marketing plan?’. If yes then you are on a right path and if no then it is a high time for you to consider it.

Running a business is not an easy job, and the important component for its growth is marketing but especially digital marketing. Building a success-oriented actionable digital marketing plan for the start-up is crucial for success. The other side of this is that digital marketing for the startups can be a bit of difficulty to understand for the people new to this technique. An effective digital marketing plan for any startup could be made with a lot of knowledge and expertise. Failing or avoiding to focus on the digital marketing could prove to be a mistake. The study shows that the firm with the good digital marketing strategy has the chances to grow 2 times more.

Today we are here to discuss some facts and the important entities to consider,

Consider digital marketing for the startups as important as Website

The first thing for you to do is stop considering that website and digital marketing are individuals or independent concepts. The website is the crucial part of the marketing strategies. Building an effective website will complement the digital marketing system for the startups more effectively.

The complete workflow needs to be managed and this is why you need to set the goals and track them on the regular basis. Start by check listing these metrics.

  • Traffic

With the help of Google analytics, you can see the traffic performance of your site. You can also track the active users under the target audience. Using digital marketing for the startups can benefit the firm to get recognized on the large scale.

  • Contacts

Traffic alone is not valuable but converting the visitors to contacts is what going to make money and name for you.

  • Customers

The conversion contacts to customers prove that you are alluring the right traffic and contacts.

  • Referrals

Run a survey to identify the potential customers that could help you to find the new prospects.

Track the best customers and approach them with the right offer

Ever heard about ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ well it somewhat goes here too. No successful business targets everyone, they follow the perfect demographics for their business and try to expand with the particular groups of people. This is the small but vital step to improve your digital marketing strategy especially when you are a startup.

Follow these avenues to find the better customers:

  • Segments

Segments could be made using the behavior, demographics, region, mindset and many such entities. You could find a group that is large and with minimum competition.

  • Personas

Personas work to take you a little deeper. You get the virtual profiles of people that mirrors the targeted segments. It is your role to identify their behavior, skills and attitudes. This is what you get when you chose digital marketing for your startup.

Let the right people find you easily

The relation of business growth and digital marketing is all about transforming the web visitors to the profitable customers. The website plays a role of a wizard in converting the visitors.

In order to connect with your prospects, you need to be part of

  • Advertising

The best, simplest and quickest way of reaching your prospects is with the digital marketing for the startups is paid advertising.

  • Re-targeting

Studies show that there are around 98% chances the visitors won’t convert but re-targeting them would show them the adds even after they have left the site.

  • Social Advertising

Social advertising can build the great opportunities for your business to make a strong online presence.


  • Keep it simple

Let’s face the reality, nobody reads the website. People scan it and make the decision within seconds. It is better to use the simple and highly-informative information.

  • Use research

Better research about digital marketing will definitely inspire you to level up and try different strategies for your business. You can make the process fact-based using the personas, scenarios and user stories.

Global Infocloud can help you to plan and accelerate your goals in the most efficient way. Whether you are a fortune company or startup that needs digital marketing then we can provide you with the better services. If you wish to explore and know more, feel free to call us and our team will assist you with all the queries. All of these are the small things but when you combined together it works great to offer the best digital marketing for the startups.