Digital Marketing for Fashion E-commerce Store
Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing for Fashion E-commerce Store

Fashion and digital marketing are the most relatable terms these days and one cannot agree more to this. Fashion is something which changes every minute. The trends in the fashion industry change and they change even faster than the advanced technology of the digital marketing. It is not about the change but it is about the complexity with which the fashion industry has incorporated digital marketing. In the highly globalized world today where E-commerce has become an obsession for everyone. The E-commerce business is growing and fetching huge income for the people with big brand names to small-scale artisans.

Easy purchases from the comfort home, doorstep delivery, secure payment options, easy replacements and variety of options to select from are some of the features that have made this industry bloom more than anything else in the recent years.

The fashion industry is segmented in different sections and the products that are sold online on large scale. According to the recent calculations, clothes and footwear are the most sold products online followed by accessories, handbags and health and beauty products. Digital marketing has directly affected the way in which the fashion industry actually works. The experts predict that the E-commerce market in India is expected to earn more than 32 billion dollars from the fashion industry till the year 2020.

Digital Marketing And Fashion Industry

Content is King:

People read, click and shop. Marketing is next to impossible without great content. Content marketing should always be a part of the process and not something separate. Marketing with blogs and well-written articles with proper description and uses can create a great impact on the buying behavior of the customer.

Customized E-mail Campaigns:

Personalized emails could create a positive impact on the buyers. Promotional emails with personalized subjects lines have 26% possibility of getting opened and viewed by the readers which in return could attract many of the potential customers log on to the shopping website and buy the products of their desire.

Fashion Blogging:

Blogging on the latest fashion trends, colors, textures, fashion tips, color combinations and celebrity fashion has always helped brands to sell their products and generate leads through them. Most of the fashion brands hire professional fashion bloggers who write to promote their brand. Already many of the full time fashion bloggers and vloggers have dedicated their lives in creating interesting content for their viewers and readers. The loyal followers of these bloggers tend to follow tips and tricks advised by them which helps in endorsing products through the blogs and vlogs.

Discount Programmes:

Variety of brands with cut-throat competition in the retailing industry have found new way of attracting their customers. Discounting is one thing which people forward look to buy. Promotion of these discounts to direct more and number of people towards online shopping is a must. These promotions can be achieved through careful posting during the festive seasons and on the various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Email marketing and even through blogging.

Social Media Campaign:

The world is online and what keeps them updated and informed are the social networking sites. These sites are used by most of the people including most of the fashionistas. Social media becomes eye opener when it comes to the fashion and latest trends. Everything and anything endorsed or worn and flaunted by the celebrities are available on the walls of Facebook and Twitter. Instagram is the social media platform which mostly attracts youth and the potential customers in them. Posting creative pictures with interesting hashtags has brought millions of followers to follow the application. With its growing popularity, every well-known brand now has their presence on this site. Live streaming of the videos, boomerang videos are some of the other features of Instagram which help in attracting more and more number of the audience towards the app. Apart from that twitter and tweerratis posting and commenting on each and everything from the celebs outfits to the specific brands they are wearing and showcasing has also helped many of the retailers to sell the copy of the similar type clothing line. Even the original brands are left no behind.

Google and Adwords Campaign:

Adwords campaigning on the Google search network, display network and youtube cannot be neglected. Extensive use of facebook and youtube advertisements help in diverting most of the customers. Along with that search engine optimization has to be done for the better visibility of the site and also get it on top of the ranking list is very helpful. This has to be done without fail because the sizeable portion of the sales happens through the search engine as an important medium.

We at Global Infocloud with determined team ofdevelopers, writers, and digital marketers deliver assistance in developing your own E-commerce store and will also help in getting it viewed and used by most of the people. We excel in delivering all the above mentioned digital marketing services at budget-friendly prices. These are a must-have for the smooth running of any business and fashion E-commerce store is no different.