10 ways Social Media sites to Provide Great Customer Service
Digital Marketing

10 ways Social Media sites to Provide Great Customer Service

Social Media Customer Service, as the name suggests is to use online platform and give customer service and support. In digitally connected era, social media is widely used by millions of people and they expect businesses to have their social media handles where they can connect with them for services rather than sending email.
Various studies by reputed analytics company suggest that more than 50% customers prefer that social media in an effective form of communication with brands.
Social media marketing is an altogether different tool for business promotion as compared to using the same platform for customer service. Social media customer service can help improve brand’s image and create an emotional connect with the customers.
Here in this blog, we are discussing 10 ways in which you can strengthen your customer care service by using various social media platforms.

1. Dedicated Support Handle

The best way to start a dedicated social channel for customer support is to create a dedicated support handle on social media, include that handle in your brand’s other social profile bios. This lets people know where to reach out for support-related requests. Separate support handle makes sure your potential customer will not be landing on your brand’s business handle and see complaints and queries. Usually customers ignore these separate handles and uses your main business handle in their query; you can respond via this separate handle and move the query towards the right team.

2. Monitor Brand Mentions

The onset of social media rise has put the reputation of your company in customer’s hand. The digital development has led to various customer reviews live on these social media platforms which you can’t control.
Patrons are always looking for customer service on social media platform, a lack of which will harm the reputation of your company. Customers seek for response from your brand by tagging your brand name (@yourbrandname) on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You must check these mentions and resolve the queries as soon as possible and create goodwill amongst them.
You must monitor any conversations on social media regarding your brand where they have been tagged to resolve their issues and form a positive brand image.

3. Form Social Media guidelines

Similar to guidelines formed for customer support in general on your business website, you must have some guidelines on you social media support handle. These guidelines should include the points like friendly tone of voice, quick response time, protocol in escalations of customer issues and a message approval procedure on resolving problems.

4. Prioritize Social Media Customer Service

Social media plays a massive role in building your brand image, it is as important for your company as other digital marketingtools. Providing quick responses to social media queries and prioritizing the customer response will pour success and pose positive impact on your brand. Make sure your social media support team responses to each and every query online and try to give personal support to each one of them.

5. Proactive content

Predict questions and potential customer service issues that patrons may face. Use that future search data to create educational videos or blogs and share it on social platform.
You can share how-to-do video or Frequently asked questions in a blog on your handle
Social media customer service handles are a great platform to share such informative content. This builds customer interest in purchasing your product and reduces the number of personal queries from each customer.

6. Respond to all queries

Although its very obvious as we have mentioned the pros of customer service handles, support team must reply to each and every post in which they are tagged or hash tagged (#).
Answering all queries on social media be it negative or positive shows that your brand is concerned about customers and their needs. By being active on social media, you enjoy loyal and long-term patronage and an increased number of followers.

7. Expand your Customer Service

Sometimes customers might not directly tag you in a post or ask queries. However, you can find social media users who might just post something interesting online and put a hashtag (#) with your brand name. Responding to these indirect posts induces interest amongst users and push them towards buying your products and follow you on social media.

8. Quick Response

Just responding to messages is not sufficient for a great customer service. If a customer reaches out to you on social media, they expect a fast and friendly response.
As per data collected by Twitter, 71% of users expect quick response from brands on social media. Facebook has also conducted similar studies which inferred that online users expect very fast response through social media messaging platform. You don’t have to stay online to respond to all the messages, one can decide certain timings for response post that customers can Direct message on the same social media page.

9. Automated Chatbots

Customers who are user friendly with social media are comfortable with ‘non-human’ customer service interactions. These automated chatbots are an excellent way to provide 24/7 customer services without having to involve any support team. They are efficient in solving frequently asked queries. Some social media platforms provide these automated response feature which you can add in your account.

10. Project the right channel

A brand needs to understand the right social media platform to respond to their customers. You can collect data and target the social media page where you get the maximum queries and response.


We at Global InfoCloud provide complete social media handling solution for your business. As you can understand from the above points that social media is a great platform for supporting your business, we have a team of well-trained professionals to handle your social media platform.