Must-know Google Updates Until 2019
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Must-know Google Updates Until 2019

Google is a crucial parameter for successful online content, so it’s important to understand its working. This search engine is ever-dynamic as it is constantly updated keeping in mind the user experience. It has become a giant company because the updates invariably meet the users’ needs and offer the best results. 

A user who is not well acquainted with these updates will be disappeared from the search engine result page (SERP) and loose all the potential followers, customers. It is, therefore, necessary to adapt your websites with Google updates. It will result in significant rankings in the search results, traffic, and positioning. 

Below Is a Guide to All the Major Google Updates from 2011-2019    

Google Panda 

This update was released in 2011 to fight the keyword flooding, plagiarism, content farming, inadequate content, and other issues regarding content quality. It introduced the concept of internal quality score, which decided your ranks on SERPs. To save your website you must remove all the unoriginal content, check for duplicate content, and the ratio of outbound links should be appropriate.   

Google Penguin 

Till 2012, before Penguin was introduced the search volume was totally dependent on the SERP rankings. That led to a lot of spam links or what Google has termed it as – ‘Black Hat Webspam.’ Black Hat Webspam, are shortcut techniques to increase traffic on your website. 

The major con of these techniques is that it is not beneficial to the users. So, Google decided to monitor and control these activities. Now your content will only rank if it is precise and true.Some precautions to save your content would be following the inbound links, observing the abrupt jumps and immediately taking measures to get rid of it. 

Google Hummingbird 

In 2013, Google brought sweeping changes with the Hummingbird update. It totally widened the search engine’s understanding of the user’s needs. The update enabled the search engine to show results interpreting the user’s intentions. The knowledgebase included concept based content, synonyms, etc. 

The user’s search experience becomes more personalized and precise. To improve your website make sure the content is diverse, you use words related to a topic, increase the use of synonyms and write in the understandable communicative language.   

Google Pigeon 

The update co-related local and core algorithms and considered the user’s location. It gave validation to local businesses; for example, if you search ‘Best restaurants in Pune’ the places near you will be shown at the top of the list. It enabled accurate local results. Consider registering with Google listing for better rankings and traffic.  


Nicknamed by Google as – ‘Mobilegeddon,’ it was launched in 2015. This ground-breaking update made the search engine mobile-friendly. After this update, the website not optimized with mobile was removed by SERPs or punished. You have to go through a mobile-friendly test to see the weather your page is really mobile-optimized or not.    

Google Possum

This update gave even more prominence to the location and your physical address. If a company is closer to where your user is staying, you have a higher chance of ranking. You can even list in the dropouts. Released it 2016, the update broadened the scope of local businesses.  

Google Fred 

From 2017, Google started targeting the website that failed to follow the recommendations of the webmaster. You will be penalized for over-use of keywords, excessive use of advertisements, content written only to attract search engine robots, and plenty of outbound links. 

Google Mobile-First Indexing

Prior to this update, the indexing and ranking systems used to use a desktop version to show you the results. This update introduced in 2018, finally made the systems use a different version, which was specially optimized for mobile phones. Make sure you have Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) as well as Non-AMP pages on your website. 

Google BRET 

BRET stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. In 2019, Google updated the Hummingbird update; now it can analyze the way people think and show result accordingly. It examines whole word groups and natural language before showing you the result.  


In today’s competitive era gaining good ranks and traffic is becoming really hard. If you are looking for a partner to achieve this and make a top-notch website, Global Infocloud is ready with all the solutions. We can offer you website optimization, content optimization, SMM, SEO, Lead Generation and much more.