A-Z of Facebook Marketing
Online Marketing

A-Z of Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the most widely used social media platform across the globe. It has more than 1 billion active users every month. It is very popular and a large section of people are aware about it. These large number of users give a major opportunity to businesses to reach their prospective clients. It is a one stop opportunity fort the marketers to interact with over a billion people simultaneously.
A lot of Facebook users try to connect, search or post about the products or services from a brand or company. This clearly indicates that Facebook users are taking advantage of social platform and you need to make yourself not only noticeable but, out of the box too.

Facebook has many tools for promoting a business or brand, and one can easily get confused with which one is suitable for them. Facebook marketing approach that incorporates many of Facebook’s features helps shape a larger and more targeted social strategy or campaign.

Here is an A – Z list of Facebook features available for marketing:

Ads Manager: A tool that helps you create and manage Facebook ads.

Bots and Business in Messenger: It enables people to browse and find perform automated task.

Boost post: Effective, yet inexpensive way to gain more exposure of your posts. You can choose your audience by age, gender and location and by selecting interests.

Customer Service: This social platform can be used to respond for customer query. Facebook offers options to show the responsiveness of your business.

Company Page: Set up a company page so potential customers can find you. Company contact details, ‘about us’ section and post regular updates to keep audience engaged with your brand.

Call-to-Action: Add buttons to posts with specific a Call – to – Action (Learn more, Shop now etc.)

Dynamic Ads: Dynamic ads have been successful for retailers using retargeting within Facebook.

Events: Promote events through sponsored ads. this is a great way to raise awareness – the event page shows up on the newsfeed when a ‘friend’ likes the event.

Edge Rank: This Facebook algorithm decides what stories, or posts, appear in each user’s newsfeed. Every action a person takes (a like, a comment, responding to an event etc.) creates an ‘edge’. A story about that ‘edge’ might show up in a user’s newsfeed.

Facebook Exchange: Retargets users who have expressed an interest in a related product/service.

Groups: Creating a company group is a great way to interact with your current customers and make them feel connected and respected by the company.

Insights: Audience Insights allows better targeting, which helps you understand the impact and interactions with your posts.

Live: Keep your audience engaged and informed with live videos – this can be Q&A sessions to help your customers or potential customers, how- to videos and lots more.

Lead Ads: Lead ads let users input special information to receive calls or quotes. Ideal for B2B businesses.

Messenger Ads: Messenger is a chatting platform on Facebook which a lot of users prefer to interact, ads here can bring their notice to a certain brand or product.

Messenger Codes: Brands can now display codes which can be scanned by users to start conversations on Facebook Messenger.

Offer Claims: Promote offer content through adverts.

Pop-up chat-bots: The chat box pops up when a user visits a company’s page. The purpose of this feature is to prompt visitors to start a conversation with the page via Messenger.

Pinned Posts: Pin your most important/ informative post to the top of your company page.

Power Editor: Power editor makes it easy to manage multiple ads at once and import ads via excel.

Reactions: Facebook counts reactions to posts (love, shocked, angry and laughing) as a more precise feedback.

Shopping Sections: Facebook has added a shopping feature which helps you to directly sell your products on Facebook.

Video Views: promote in-ad video content.

Verification: businesses can claim their Facebook page to prove they own it, and will appear higher in searches.

Watch: Facebook’s newest feature watch is a new video platform. Users can expect to see targeted advertising before and during the videos.

Facebook has a huge array of features to help you promote your brand. Choose the right audience and target the right tool and for endless conversions.Global InfoCloud is a digital marketing company providing solutions to various businesses. Our team of experts have experience of Facebook marketing and can guide you to select the right tool for the promotions.