How to use social media for Retail Business ?
Digital Marketing

How to use social media for Retail Business ?

Social media is a widely accepted platform across everyone who uses internet over their cellphones. Promoting your business over this platform means reaching millions of people without having paid huge amount for banners or advertisements. Greatest advantage of using social media is that the efforts implemented on building a brand image pays off almost immediately.

A few years ago, brands preferred developing websites for promotions and inducing sales, social media has now wiped out that mindset and opened up a horizon for all businesses whether small or large to showcase on more than one social media platforms.

Social media is a great platform to promote your business over websites and brick and mortar stores, however you need to work smartly on it to get actual results.

Here are some tips to make the most out of social media for your retail business:

Promote Social Media links

It is quite obvious that one must provide social media links on their ecommerce website, if you have a physical store for your retail business you can add social media related posters in your store and provide QR code connected to these social media websites. Make sure you have placed your social media account’s link on every advertisement or banners. Educate your business staff members to always educate the customers regarding your availability on social media platform where they can read and understand more about you.

Place professional content

There is a huge range of content on social media which the viewers process every day. High-quality content, both visual and textual will make you standout in that chaos and bring you half of the success of your product. Working towards a quality content must be your priority to attain progress in both website and on social media.
Video contents are a great content for catching the attention of online viewers. It is a supreme visual content which sends a strong message to your customers. Don’t forget to add written content along with videos to make a greater impact. Video content rule the social media market. Retail giants also rely on visual content of 5-10 seconds to launch their collection on social media.

Connect with your audience

Apart from providing customized deals to your customers, keeping your audience in the loop and taking their opinion is a great way to connect with them. In the era of modern marketing appreciating customer feedback is very important. To understand the needs and wants of your customer taking these small surveys once in a while will be of great importance. This will also help you to make promotions of your retail business on social media more efficient. For faster processing of surveys, you can access various survey tools available on the internet.
You should also respond to the reviews and comments by consumers to make yourself more available amongst them.


Spreading about your social media account everywhere and rewarding customers who are active followers will definitely lead to a loyal patronage. Promoting your retail business on social media is not a difficult job however you need to plan it properly. We at Global InfoCloud help you with the digital marketing of your brand and promise you with great results.